Sunday, September 18, 2005

UNL Animal Science Building

Friday I took my first exam at the University of Nebraska. It was in Experimental Statistics and I think I was successful. Unfortunately the conditions in which I had to take the test were not ideal. We moved our class into the animal science building and ever since then I have been having trouble concentrating in class. How is it that a building and mess me up so bad, you ask? Allow me to explain.

When UNL decided to build a new animal sciences building they really wanted to allow the students to be really close to the animals. So how did they do this? Easy, build a barn for animals and then build an animal sciences building all around it. Yes, they built a building around a barn. I'm serious. You walk into the building and sticking into the atrium is a glass enclosure that contains half of th barn. The only thing between the smells from the barn and the atrium...a single glass door. Now you try taking a statistics exam with 50 cows worth of piss and manure stinging your nostrils. You walk out of this building and you smell like piss.

If I was animal scientist I would think it was awesome that I was so close to the animals. If I was Dr. Doolittle, I'd go through the glass door and talk to the animals. But I'm a biological systems engineer and I don't care for piss sting in my nostrils when I am taking an exam or in a lecture.

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