Thursday, September 06, 2007


Last night I got fed up with Overlord and decided to play BioShock on my XBOX 360. This game is supposedly a contender for game of the year. So I turn off all my lights, turn up the speakers, and start the game. Immediately, the world is freaking me out and I'm scared that something will jump out at me and kill me. So explore very slowly and very cautiously, only to hear a man and woman fighting a floor below me....which is unnerving to begin with. As I go down stairs, this guy comes charging at me so I lightning bolt him and then shoot him with a revolver. But he's not dead and my hand is shaking so bad that I cannot bludgeon him to death with a monkey wrench before his "wife" realizes something is wrong and comes after me. I find her vigilance and violence so disturbing that I miss with the lightning bolt and then shoot 10 rounds from my revolver (every single shot missed) and she beats me to death with a monkey ironic.

If this is the future of video games, I am a fan. Yes, I was scared shitless...but while I know I was playing a video game I was so emersed in the game that I was concerned for my own safety. Of course I will always have affection for games like blue dragon, rune factory, eternal sonata...that well animated, cutesy but deep, RPG where the villians, although evil, are drawn such that I don't get completely sucked in, but BioShock and games like it will be a treat from this day forward. The bar has been set, let's hope it doesn't take several years for another tasty treat.

PS--I haven't decided if I want to play anymore BioShock...I'm definately not playing at night anymore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bought the game last week. It's beyond doubt the scariest game I have ever played.

That having been said, it might also be the best. As a philosopher, I especially appreciate the rips on Objectivism.

Oh, and be sure to keep your eyes peeled for a BioShock logo resembling goatse.